Download a free ebook copy of Gundown here

Here's what it's about:

Not many years from now, guns are still everyday killers. Most Americans have no defense—except in Oregon, where reforms have self-defense on the rise and guns that kill on the decline.

To Hank Soldado, Army veteran, ex-cop, and a good guy with a gun, his duty is clear—find a way to stop the gun-reform leader from taking away 2nd Amendment rights.

But he learns that the man’s vision isn’t about destroying freedom but a way to turn America’s murderous gun impasse into self-defense, security, and safety.

Then an assassin strikes, the vision is in its death throes, and Hank—good-guy-with-a-gun Hank—is the only one who can save it.

Gun-barrel-small-100WToday, during the time it takes an average person to read this novel, three Americans will die from a handgun bullet.

In today’s America there is no hope of preventing those killings. Dealing with gun violence is mired in a cultural logjam—as things are, nothing will change.

But what if gun makers could make billions because owning lethal firearms meant prison? They’d make it happen.

And what if we had a way to defend ourselves without using lethal firearms? We’d make it happen.

For the reality behind this work of fiction, please read this.

The whole idea of Gundown is to get as many people as possible to think about how to deal with gun violence in new ways, and about how we can protect ourselves from violent people. It's possible to utilize the idea of "states as laboratories" to create new approaches to gun control. Please pass this on.


Following are: download links; download process guide; free ebook readers for your computer; link to print paperback edition

Download process: the link will take you inside a Dropbox folder. You should get an orange page like the below, and it will likely have an ad in it.

Download page

There should be a download icon in the lower right corner as shown below. Click on that to download the file.

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Free ebook readers for your computer:

Kindle readers for phones, tablets, and computers:

Epub reader for computers:

  • Adobe Digital Editions (.epub/Nook) Download the reader then right-click on the epub file to open it with the reader. DOES NOT open Kindle/.mobi ebooks.

3D book 200WPaperback editions priced at cost are available at, Barnes &, and other online vendors. It is priced to net zero after the printing and distribution are paid for. While the Kindle download above is free, you can also purchase a copy from for 99 cents, the lowest price they will allow.

If Gundown works for you, please post reviews at places such as, your own blog, wherever it seems appropriate.

Comment below, too, if you want.

Here's to a safer future.

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